1. Comparison of 4 approaches to implementing URL routing combinators including the free and operational monads

    Fri, 2013-01-11 @ 08:35:40 PM

    There has been a lot of discussion recently about free (and operational) monads. And perhaps you know what a free monad is. But you may still be confused as to when or why.

    You might wonder if the free and operational monads actually solve any useful problems in the real world, or if they are just theoretical wanking.

    In this post I will show how we can rewrite the routing combinators in Happstack to use the Free and operational monads and in the process solve a couple real world problems.

    Happstack is a Haskell web programming toolkit. There are two url routing systems you can use in Happstack. web-routes provides a flexible system for type-safe URL routing. But we also have an older system that works around simple string based combinators. In this post, we are going to look into improvements we can make to the simple, combinator based approach.

    To provide basic url routing you need three things:

    1. match - a way to match on a static path segment.
    2. capture - a way to capture a path segment and try to decode it.
    3. choice - a way to pick from multiple alternatives.

    match and capture work on entire path segments. If we have a url like:


    we first split it on the / and then decode the path segments to get a list like:


    That is what gets feed into the routing system.

    match is really just a special case of capture. But we will keep it as a separate case for two reasons:

    1. the implementation of match is easier to understand than capture
    2. there are optimizations we can only perform when match is a separate case

    Version 1: Monad Transformers

    The traditional way to implement a router like this is by using some common monads and monad transformers. So let's start with that.

    First we need some imports:

    > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ExistentialQuantification #-}
    > import Control.Monad             (MonadPlus(mzero), msum, join)
    > import Control.Monad.State       (StateT, MonadState(get, put), evalStateT, modify)
    > import Control.Monad.Free        (Free(Pure, Free), liftF)
    > import Control.Monad.Operational (Program(..), ProgramT(..), ProgramView, ProgramViewT(Return, (:>>=)), singleton, view)
    > import Data.List                 (groupBy)
    > import Data.Maybe                (isNothing)
    > import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ (Doc, (<+>), ($+$), (<>), char, doubleQuotes, nest, space, text, vcat, empty)
    > import Text.Show.Functions       () -- instance Show (a -> b)

    You will need to install the free and operational libraries from hackage (used in later sections).

    Next we define a newtype for our routing monad:

    > newtype RouteMT a = RouteMT { unRoute :: StateT [String] Maybe a }
    >     deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadState [String])
    > runRouteMT :: RouteMT a -> [String] -> Maybe a
    > runRouteMT route paths = evalStateT (unRoute route) paths

    MT is short for MonadTransformer here. Our RouteMT monad is created by combining two familiar monads: State and Maybe. StateT [String] contains the path segments in the url. Everytime we successfully consume a path segment, we pop it off the list. We use String instead of Text just to keep this blog post simple. A real implementation would probably use Text.

    Maybe is used to indicate failure. We can use its MonadPlus instance to provide the choice operation.

    > choiceMT :: [RouteMT a] -> RouteMT a
    > choiceMT = msum

    So, we need only implement match and capture. We can define match as:

    > matchMT :: String  -- ^ path segment to match on
    >         -> RouteMT ()
    > matchMT p' =
    >     do paths <- get
    >        case paths of
    >          (p:ps) | p == p' -> put ps
    >          _                -> mzero

    If the path matches, then we pop it off the stack, otherwise we call mzero.

    We can implement capture as:

    > captureMT :: (String -> Maybe a) -- ^ function to decode path segment
    >           -> RouteMT a
    > captureMT parse =
    >     do paths <- get
    >        case paths of
    >          (p : ps) ->
    >              case parse p of
    >                Nothing  -> mzero
    >                (Just a) -> return a
    >          _        ->
    >              mzero

    capture is very much like match except we use the supplied parsing function instead of plain old ==.

    We will also want a helper function so that we can use read with captureMT:

    > readMaybe :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
    > readMaybe s =
    >    case reads s of
    >      [(n,[])] -> Just n
    >      _        -> Nothing

    Now we can implement a simple route:

    > route1MT :: RouteMT String
    > route1MT =
    >     choiceMT [ do matchMT "foo"
    >                   i <- captureMT readMaybe
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /foo/" ++ show (i :: Int)
    >              , do matchMT "bar"
    >                   i <- captureMT readMaybe
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /bar/" ++ show (i :: Double)
    >              , do matchMT "foo"
    >                   matchMT "cat"
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /foo/cat"
    >              ]

    Being lazy programmers, we will define some unit tests rather than a formal proof of correctness. Here is our simple test function:

    > testRouteMT :: (Eq a) => RouteMT a -> [([String], Maybe a)] -> Bool
    > testRouteMT r tests =
    >     all (\(paths, result) -> (runRouteMT r paths) == result) tests

    And to make things pretty, we will define ==> as an alias for (,):

    > (==>) :: a -> b -> (a,b)
    > a ==> b = (a, b)

    Now we can write down our unit tests for route:

    > route1_results =
    >       [ ["foo", "1"]     ==> Just "You are looking at /foo/1"
    >       , ["foo", "cat"]   ==> Just "You are looking at /foo/cat"
    >       , ["bar", "3.141"] ==> Just "You are looking at /bar/3.141"
    >       , ["baz"]          ==> Nothing
    >       ]

    and combining it all together:

    > route1MT_test =
    >     testRouteMT route1MT route1_results

    Version 2: Interpreter Approach

    While the monad transformer code works fine, there are ways it could be better:

    1. In order to find the matching route, it has to start at the top of the list and work all the way to the bottom until it finds a match or gets to the end of the list. For example, we have one route that starts with "/foo" at the top and another that starts with "/foo" at the bottom. Additionally, if we match on "bar" but fail to decode the next path as an Int, there is no point in trying any additional routes, because no other routes start with "/bar". But there is no way to impart that information into the router.

    2. when routes fail, there is no record of why it failed. We just get back Nothing. On a live site, that is fine, but during development, you sometimes do care.

    We can solve both these issues by using a data-type to build the router instead:

    > data Route' a
    >     = Match' String (Route' a)
    >     | forall b. Capture' (String -> Maybe b) (b -> Route' a)
    >     | Choice' [Route' a]
    >     | Term' a

    The last argument of the Match' and Capture' constructors is what to do next if that match or capture succeeds.

    We can create Functor and Monad instances for the Route' type:

    > instance Functor Route' where
    >     fmap f (Match' s r)   = Match' s (fmap f r)
    >     fmap f (Capture' p r) = Capture' p (\b -> fmap f (r b))
    >     fmap f (Choice' rs)   = Choice' (map (fmap f) rs)
    >     fmap f (Term' a)      = Term' (f a)
    > instance Monad Route' where
    >     return a = Term' a
    >     (Term' a)      >>= f = f a
    >     (Match' str r) >>= f = Match' str (r >>= f)
    >     (Choice' rs)   >>= f = Choice' (map (\r -> r >>= f) rs)
    >     (Capture' p r) >>= f = Capture' p (\b -> r b >>= f)

    These instances can be a little tricky to understand at first. You might want to finish this section and then come back to them after you have seen the bigger picture and some examples.

    Our routing functions no longer do any real work directly. Instead they just construct Route' values:

    > match' :: String -> Route' ()
    > match' p = Match' p (Term' ())
    > capture' :: (String -> Maybe b) -> Route' b
    > capture' p = Capture' p (\b -> Term' b)
    > choice' :: [Route' a] -> Route' a
    > choice' = Choice'

    Now all the real work happens in runRoute':

    > runRoute' :: Route' a -> [String] -> Maybe a
    > runRoute' (Term' a) _ = Just a
    > runRoute' (Match' p' r) (p:ps) | p == p' = runRoute' r ps
    > runRoute' (Match' _ _)  _                = Nothing
    > runRoute' (Choice' []) _ = Nothing
    > runRoute' (Choice' (r:rs)) paths =
    >     case runRoute' r paths of
    >       (Just a) -> Just a
    >       Nothing  -> runRoute' (Choice' rs) paths
    > runRoute' (Capture' parse r) (p:ps) =
    >     case parse p of
    >       Nothing  -> Nothing
    >       (Just b) -> runRoute' (r b) ps

    We can test a Route' with runRoute' and see that it acts just like RouteMT. We can reimplement route1MT using the new functions. The only difference is that the names have been changed from fooMT to foo'. If we did not change the names then the new implementation would be a drop-in replacement for the old code:

    > route1' :: Route' String
    > route1' =
    >     choice' [ do match' "foo"
    >                  i <- capture' readMaybe
    >                  return $ "You are looking at /foo/" ++ show (i :: Int)
    >             , do match' "bar"
    >                  i <- capture' readMaybe
    >                  return $ "You are looking at /bar/" ++ show (i :: Double)
    >             , do match' "foo"
    >                  match' "cat"
    >                  return $ "You are looking at /foo/cat"
    >             ]
    > testRoute' :: (Eq a) => Route' a -> [([String], Maybe a)] -> Bool
    > testRoute' r tests =
    >     all (\(paths, result) -> (runRoute' r paths) == result) tests
    > route1'_test =
    >     testRoute' route1' route1_results

    If you look at runRoute' closely you will notice that we don't ever pass back the unconsumed path segments. So you might wonder how something like this could work:

    > route2' :: Route' ()
    > route2' =
    >     do choice' [ match' "foo"
    >                , match' "bar"
    >                ]
    >        match' "baz"

    Specifically, after choice' has successfully matched on "foo" or "bar", how does the match' function get access to the remaining path segments?

    If we expand the functions and monad operations, though, the answer becomes clearer. First let's substitute in the match', capture', and choice' operations:

    > route2'Expanded'1 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'1 =
    >     do Choice' [ Match' "foo" (Term' ())
    >                     , Match' "bar" (Term' ())
    >                     ]
    >        Match' "baz" (Term' ())

    Next let's desugar the monad syntax:

    > route2'Expanded'2 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'2 =
    >     (Choice' [ Match' "foo" (Term' ())
    >             , Match' "bar" (Term' ())
    >             ]) >>=
    >     \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ())

    And now we can substitute the >>= using this rule from the Monad instance:

    (Choice' rs)   >>= f = Choice' (map (\r -> r >>= f) rs)
    > route2'Expanded'3 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'3 =
    >     (Choice' (map (\r -> r >>= \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ()))
    >               [ Match' "foo" (Term' ())
    >               , Match' "bar" (Term' ())
    >               ]))

    substituting the map gives us:

    > route2'Expanded'4 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'4 =
    >     (Choice' [ Match' "foo" (Term' ()) >>= \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ())
    >              , Match' "bar" (Term' ()) >>= \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ())
    >              ])

    now we can apply this rule to expand the remaining >>=:

    (Match' str r) >>= f = Match' str (r >>= f)
    > route2'Expanded'5 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'5 =
    >     (Choice' [ Match' "foo" (Term' () >>= \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ()))
    >              , Match' "bar" (Term' () >>= \_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ()))
    >              ])

    next we can apply this rule:

    (Term' a)      >>= f = f a
    > route2'Expanded'6 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'6 =
    >     (Choice' [ Match' "foo" ((\_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ())) ())
    >              , Match' "bar" ((\_ -> Match' "baz" (Term' ())) ())
    >              ])

    and finally, we can apply the \_ -> to () which gives us:

    > route2'Expanded'7 :: Route' ()
    > route2'Expanded'7 =
    >     (Choice' [ Match' "foo" (Match' "baz" (Term' ()))
    >              , Match' "bar" (Match' "baz" (Term' ()))
    >              ])

    So, we can see here that the monad syntax is just used to build a tree. Each valid parse is represented as a straight path from the root to a leaf. So, we need to pass the remaining segments in as we travel down the tree. But we don't have to worry about coming back up again, so the recursive runRoute' calls don't have to return the unconsumed path segments to the callers.

    Alternative Interpreters

    The monad transformer version was a lot shorter to write, and easy to understand. For people studying the implementation, it leverages existing knowledge about the State and Maybe monads.

    The new interpreter version has a far more complex type and the runRoute' function is harder to understand. For the end user, none of this really matters, because the API is exactly the same -- we only changed the names so we could shove this entire example in a single literate Haskell file.

    So, what have we gained?

    One thing we can do is write alternative interpreters which address the two complaints we had about the monad transformer based direct implementation.

    For example, we can analyze the Route' type and optimize the routes. As an example, we can rewrite this:

    choice' [ do match' "foo"
                 match' "bar"
                 return "/foo/bar"
            , do match' "foo"
                 match' "baz"
                 return "/foo/baz"

    to this:

    choice' [ do match' "foo"
                 choice' [ do match' "bar"
                              return "/foo/bar"
                         , do match' "baz"
                              return "/foo/baz"

    Because routes with the same prefix are now nested, we do not need to do any backtracking. if "foo" matches, but "bar" and "baz" fail, we do not need to backtrack and see if there are any other routes that start with "foo". We could implement this as an alternative function to runRoute' leaving runRoute' still intact.

    We could also implement a debugRoute function that shows us what path we tried to match at each step and whether it succeeded or not. We are not going to implement these functions quite yet though.

    Version 3: Free Monad

    As we saw, the Route' type is essentially building a specialized tree with the values at the leaves. As Haskell users, we like to abstract and reuse things. What if we could get rid of the explicit recursion in the Route' type and get a valid Monad instance with out having to do any real work? That should simplify our code, and reduce the chances of introducing a bug. This is where the Free monad comes into play. The Free type is defined as:

    data Free f a = Pure a | Free (f (Free f a))

    If we look at that type we can see how we might be able to use the Pure constructor for the values in the leaves, and the Free constructor to provide the recusion. So, now we can define a non-recursive type that just operates on a single path segment.

    Using the GADT syntax makes things a bit prettier, because the constructor types look like the related function types:

    > data Segment a where
    >     Match   :: String -> a         -> Segment a
    >     Capture :: (String -> Maybe a) -> Segment a
    >     Choice  :: [a]                 -> Segment a
    >     Zero    ::                        Segment a
    >     deriving (Functor, Show)

    we can be extra lazy and derive the Functor instance automatically (and correctly!).

    Compared to the Route' type, we see that the constructors are a little simpler now. For example, Match takes the String to match on and the value to return on success. But, we do not have to explicitly spell out the recursion. And, because Capture does not have a forall b. anymore, we can use the DeriveFunctor extension to derive the Functor instance automatically.

    While we do not explicitly have recursion in the Segment type -- we do leave holes where recursion can happen. For example we can write:

    Match "foo" (Match "bar" Zero)

    Free already has a Monad instance, so to make a Monad out of Segment we can just use a type alias:

    > type Route = Free Segment

    So, this is pretty nice! We got valid Functor and Monad instances for free! You might think that is why it is called the Free monad -- and it sort of is. The term free actually comes from abstract algebra and category theory -- and they have some other idea about what the free part is.

    All sorts of things like monoids, functors, monads, etc can be free. Something is free if it satisfies exactly the required laws but nothing extra. In our example, we created the Route monad by just making the type alias type Route = Free Segment. By design the Haskell Free monad doesn't do anything except satisfy the monad laws. And adding the type alias type Route = Free Segment is clearly not going to suddenly make it do more things. So, presumably Route is free as well. Yes, it really is that simple.

    There are a bunch of other blog posts and wiki pages about the underlying theory, so we are just going to move on. We are aiming for gaining an hands-on understanding in this post, not a theoretical one.

    We define the routing combinators similar to how we did for Route':

    > -- | match on a static path segment
    > match :: String
    >       -> Route ()
    > match p = liftF (Match p ())

    liftF has the type:

    liftF :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a

    we could have written match as:

    match p = Free (Match p (Pure ()))

    but liftF gets rid of some of the noise for us. The other combinators are pretty much the same:

    > -- | match on a path segment and attempt to convert it to a type
    > capture :: (String -> Maybe a)
    >     -> Route a
    > capture convert =
    >     liftF (Capture convert)
    > -- | try several routes, using the first that succeeds
    > choice :: [Route a]
    >        -> Route a
    > choice a = join $ liftF (Choice a)
    > -- | a route that will always fail
    > zero :: Route a
    > zero = liftF Zero

    To perform the routing, we create a runRoute function like before:

    > -- | run a route, full backtracking on failure
    > runRoute :: Route a -> [String] -> Maybe a
    > runRoute (Pure a) _  = Just a
    > runRoute _        [] = Nothing
    > runRoute (Free (Match p' r)) (p:ps)
    >     | p == p'   = runRoute r ps
    >     | otherwise = Nothing
    > runRoute (Free (Capture convert)) (p:ps) =
    >     case convert p of
    >       Nothing  -> Nothing
    >       (Just r) -> runRoute r ps
    > runRoute (Free (Choice choices)) paths =
    >     msum $ map (flip runRoute paths) choices
    > runRoute (Free Zero) _ =
    >     Nothing

    You'll note that this runRoute function looks quite a bit like the previous runRoute' function. It does contain a bit of extra noise because we of the Free constructors.

    As before, the API remains unchanged (aside from renames to avoid name clashes):

    > route1Free :: Route String
    > route1Free =
    >     choice [ do match "foo"
    >                 i <- capture readMaybe
    >                 return $ "You are looking at /foo/" ++ show (i :: Int)
    >            , do match "bar"
    >                 i <- capture readMaybe
    >                 return $ "You are looking at /bar/" ++ show (i :: Double)
    >            , do match "foo"
    >                 match "cat"
    >                 return $ "You are looking at /foo/cat"
    >            ]

    And our test results remain unchanged:

    > testRoute :: (Eq a) => Route a -> [([String], Maybe a)] -> Bool
    > testRoute r tests =
    >     all (\(paths, result) -> (runRoute r paths) == result) tests
    > route1Free_tests =
    >     testRoute route1Free route1_results

    As with Route', we are just building a tree. For example if we have `route2' again:

    > route2 :: Route ()
    > route2 =
    >     do choice [ match "foo"
    >               , match "bar"
    >               ]
    >        match "baz"

    and we show it using the show function we get:

    Free (Choice [ Free (Match "foo" (Free (Match "baz" (Pure ()))))
                 , Free (Match "bar" (Free (Match "baz" (Pure ()))))

    That looks nearly identical to route2'Expanded'7 except for with Pure instead of Term and with a bunch of Free constructors inserted. The same basic tree structure still remains.

    Interpreter with Debugging

    Now, let's look at actually implementing the alternative interpreters we mentioned earlier.

    We can implement debugRoute like this:

    > -- | run a route, also returning debug log
    > debugRoute :: Route a -> [String] -> (Doc, Maybe a)
    > debugRoute (Pure a) _  = (text "Pure", Just a)
    > debugRoute _        [] = (text "-- ran out of path segments before finding 'Pure'", Nothing)
    > debugRoute (Free (Match p' next)) (p:ps)
    >     | p == p'   =
    >         let (doc, ma) = debugRoute next ps
    >         in (text "dir" <+> text p' <+> text "-- matched" <+> text p $+$ doc, ma)
    >     | otherwise =
    >        (text "dir" <+> text p' <+> text "-- did not match" <+> text p $+$ text "-- aborted", Nothing)
    > debugRoute (Free (Capture convert)) (p:ps) =
    >    case convert p of
    >      Nothing  -> (text "path <func>" <+> text "-- was not able to convert" <+> text p $+$ text "-- aborted", Nothing)
    >      (Just r) ->
    >          let (doc, ma) = debugRoute r ps
    >          in (text "path <func>" <+> text "-- matched" <+> text p $+$ doc, ma)
    > debugRoute (Free (Choice choices)) paths =
    >     let debugs (doc, Nothing) (docs, Nothing)  = (doc:docs, Nothing)
    >         debugs (doc, Just a)  (docs, Nothing)  = (doc:docs, Just a)
    >         debugs _              r@(docs, Just a) = r
    >         (docs, ma) = foldr debugs ([], Nothing) $ reverse $ map (flip debugRoute paths) choices
    >    in (text "choice" <+> showPrettyList (map (\d -> text "do" <+> d) $ reverse docs), ma)
    > debugRoute (Free Zero) _      =
    >     (text "zero", Nothing)
    > showPrettyList  :: [Doc] -> Doc
    > showPrettyList []     = text "[]"
    > showPrettyList [x]    = char '[' <+> x $+$ char ']'
    > showPrettyList (h:tl) = char '[' <+> h $+$ (vcat (map showTail tl)) $+$ char ']'
    >     where
    >      showTail x = char ',' <+> x

    debugRoute is pretty straight-forward. Feel free to skip over the implementation. The interesting part is that with out modifying route2 we can next get a debug log:

    *GHCi> let (d, r) = debugRoute route2 ["foo","bar"] in (print d >> print r)
    choice [ do dir foo -- matched foo
                dir baz -- did not match bar
                -- aborted
           , do dir bar -- did not match foo
                -- aborted

    Route optimizing

    Because the routing is now represented by a data-type, we can also write a simple optimizing function for it:

    > optimize :: Route a -> Route a
    > optimize (Free (Match p n))   = Free (Match p (optimize n))
    > optimize (Free (Choice cs)) = optimize' cs
    > optimize r                  = r
    > optimize' :: [Route a] -> Route a
    > optimize' cs =
    >     case map flatten $ groupBy sameDir cs of
    >       []  -> zero
    >       [x] -> x
    >       xs  -> choice xs
    >     where
    >       flatten :: [Route a] -> Route a
    >       flatten []  = zero
    >       flatten [x] = x
    >       flatten xs@(Free (Match p _) : _) = Free (Match p (optimize' [ next | (Free (Match _ next)) <- xs]))
    >       flatten _ = error "flatten assertion failed."
    >       sameDir (Free (Match p _)) (Free (Match p' _)) = p == p'
    >       sameDir _         _          = False

    And a helper function that shows the Route type as if it was Haskell code:

    > prettyRoute :: (Show a) => Route a -> Doc
    > prettyRoute (Pure a)              = text "return" <+> text (show a)
    > prettyRoute (Free (Match p next)) = text "match" <+> doubleQuotes (text p) $+$ prettyRoute next
    > prettyRoute (Free (Capture f))    = text "capture <func>" <> text (show (fmap prettyRoute (f "")))
    > prettyRoute (Free (Choice cs))    = text "choice" <+> (showPrettyList $ map (\r -> text "do" <+> (nest 4 $ prettyRoute r)) cs)
    > prettyRoute (Free Zero)           = text "zero"

    Consider this route table:

    > route4 :: Route String
    > route4 =
    >     choice [ do match "foo"
    >                 match "bar"
    >                 match "one"
    >                 return "foo/bar/one"
    >            , do match "foo"
    >                 match "bar"
    >                 match "two"
    >                 return "foo/bar/two"
    >            , do match "foo"
    >                 match "baz"
    >                 match "three"
    >                 return "foo/baz/three"
    >            ]

    It has a bunch of overlapping in the patterns -- they all start with match "foo" which means that the router is going to have to do a linear search of all the patterns to make sure that none match. Additionally it will have to keep rematching on "foo" even though it already has.

    If we call prettyRoute on route4 we get the original route map:

    prettyRoute route4
    choice [ do match "foo"
                match "bar"
                match "one"
                return "foo/bar/one"
           , do match "foo"
                match "bar"
                match "two"
                return "foo/bar/two"
           , do match "foo"
                match "baz"
                match "three"
                return "foo/baz/three"

    And if we optimize the route:

    prettyRoute (optimize route4)

    Then we see that the overlapping prefixes have been combined:

    match "foo"
    choice [ do match "bar"
                choice [ do match "one"
                            return "foo/bar/one"
                       , do match "two"
                            return "foo/bar/two"
           , do match "baz"
                match "three"
                return "foo/baz/three"

    This version should run a bit faster than the original version because it will only need to match on "foo" once. And the embedded lists are shorter than the original. So when it does need to try all the alternatives, there are fewer to try.

    One remaining problem is that for a url like "/foo/bar/apple", runRoute is going to backtrack and try the "baz" branch. But, that is pointless, because the optimizer ensures that backtracking is never going to be needed. (Actually that is not true, but let's pretend for a second that it is).

    So, we can instead use this non-backtracking variant to run the route:

    > runOptRoute :: Route a -> [String] -> (Bool, Maybe a)
    > runOptRoute (Pure a) _  = (False, Just a)
    > runOptRoute _        [] = (False, Nothing)
    > runOptRoute (Free (Match p' next)) (p:ps)
    >     | p == p'   = (True, snd $ runOptRoute next ps)
    >     | otherwise = (False, Nothing)
    > runOptRoute (Free (Capture convert)) (p:ps) =
    >     case convert p of
    >       (Just r) -> (True, snd $ runOptRoute r ps)
    >       Nothing  -> (False, Nothing)
    > runOptRoute (Free (Choice choices)) paths  =
    >     tryChoices paths choices
    > runOptRoute (Free Zero) _ =
    >     (False, Nothing)
    > tryChoices :: [String] -> [Route a] -> (Bool, Maybe a)
    > tryChoices [] _  = (False, Nothing)
    > tryChoices _  [] = (False, Nothing)
    > tryChoices paths [r]    = runOptRoute r paths
    > tryChoices paths (r:rs) =
    >     case runOptRoute r paths of
    >       (False, Nothing) -> tryChoices paths rs
    >       x                -> x

    Unfortunately, this won't actually work correctly. We said that we would never have to backtrack once a match succeeds because the optimizer has combined all the other branches that matched on the same path into a single branch of the tree. However, the optimizer has no way of knowing what the capture clauses are matching on because capture just takes an arbitrary function to do the matching.

    Also, it is valid for there to be more than one possible match for a particular URL. The route that matches first is the correct route. However, the optimizer does not take that into consideration. So, it is possible that after optimization a different route will start matching.

    These problems can be addressed, but are outside the scope of this blog post. We just wanted to see that the possibility exists. A correct, and more powerful, solution will likely appear in Happstack 8.

    Version 4: Operational Monad

    Instead of using the Free monad we could use the operational monad.

    The operational monad was designed from the ground up to be used for defining programs which are run by interpreters -- like what we have been doing in the last couple sections.

    In the original Route type we had explicit recursive types. In the Free monad section, we simplified that and had the Segment type which had polymorphic places where you could use recursion, but you were not forced to. But, that made the type a bit odd -- looking at the Segment type by itself, it is not really clear what the point of a type variable is supposed to be.

    A much more natural way of encoding a program that matches on routes would be something like this (using GADTs):

    > data SegmentCommand a where
    >     MatchOp   :: String              -> SegmentCommand ()
    >     CaptureOp :: (String -> Maybe a) -> SegmentCommand a
    >     ChoiceOp  :: [RouteOp a]         -> SegmentCommand a
    >     FailOp    ::                        SegmentCommand a

    the monad provided by the operational package is actually called Program not Operational. As with the Free monad, we create our route monad via a simple type alias.

    > type RouteOp = Program SegmentCommand

    The SegmentCommand type now shows no signs of recursion at all. And the constructor types look just like the corresponding function types.

    To turn a single command (like SegmentCommand) into a program (like RouteOp) we use the singleton function.

    singleton :: instr a -> ProgramT instr m a

    Using that we can define our familiar routing combinators very trivially:

    > matchOp :: String -> RouteOp ()
    > matchOp = singleton . MatchOp
    > captureOp :: (String -> Maybe a) -> RouteOp a
    > captureOp = singleton . CaptureOp
    > choiceOp :: [RouteOp a] -> RouteOp a
    > choiceOp = singleton . ChoiceOp
    > failOp :: RouteOp a
    > failOp = singleton FailOp

    Next we can define an interpreter for our program. The Program monad does not expose its internals directly. Instead we use the view function:

    view :: Program instr a -> ProgramView instr a

    to produce a ProgramView:

    type ProgramView instr = ProgramViewT instr Identity
    data ProgramViewT instr m a where
        Return :: a -> ProgramViewT instr m a
        (:>>=) :: (instr b)
               -> (b -> ProgramT instr m a)
               -> ProgramViewT instr m a

    We see that the ProgramViewT data-type looks almost exactly like the Monad type-class.

    Knowing that, we can now define an interpreter for our RouteOp:

    > interpretRouteOp :: RouteOp a -> [String] -> Maybe (a, [String])
    > interpretRouteOp router' paths = go paths router'
    >     where
    >       go :: [String] -> RouteOp a -> Maybe (a, [String])
    >       go paths router =
    >           case view router of
    >           Return a    -> Just (a, paths)
    >           (MatchOp p :>>= k) ->
    >               case paths of
    >                 (p':ps) | p == p ->
    >                             go ps (k ())
    >                 _ -> Nothing
    >           (CaptureOp pat :>>= k) ->
    >               case paths of
    >                (p':ps) ->
    >                    case pat p' of
    >                      Nothing -> Nothing
    >                      (Just a) -> go ps (k a)
    >                _ -> Nothing
    >           (ChoiceOp [] :>>= k) ->
    >               Nothing
    >           (ChoiceOp choices :>>= k) ->
    >               let tryChoiceOps cs =
    >                       case cs of
    >                         [] -> Nothing
    >                         (c:cs') ->
    >                             case go paths c of
    >                               (Just (a,paths')) -> go paths' (k a)
    >                               Nothing -> tryChoiceOps cs'
    >               in tryChoiceOps choices
    >           (FailOp :>>= _) ->
    >               Nothing
    > route1Op :: RouteOp String
    > route1Op =
    >     choiceOp [ do matchOp "foo"
    >                   i <- captureOp readMaybe
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /foo/" ++ show (i :: Int)
    >              , do matchOp "bar"
    >                   i <- captureOp readMaybe
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /bar/" ++ show (i :: Double)
    >              , do matchOp "foo"
    >                   matchOp "cat"
    >                   return $ "You are looking at /foo/cat"
    >              ]
    > testRouteOp :: (Eq a) => RouteOp a -> [([String], Maybe a)] -> Bool
    > testRouteOp r tests =
    >     all (\(paths, result) -> (fmap fst $ interpretRouteOp r paths) == result) tests
    > route1Op_tests =
    >     testRouteOp route1Op route1_results

    Clearly, we could make an interpreter that included debug information as well. What is a little less obvious is how to create an optimizer. With the Free monad approach, the optimize function had the type:

    optimize :: Route a -> Route a

    where Route had the type:

    type Route = Free Segment

    We were able to directly inspect the Free monad structure and transform it. However, the operational monad does not directly expose its internals to us. Instead we have to use the view function to turn the Program into a ProgramView.

    We also need to convert a ProgramView back into a Program. The operational library does not provide an unview/unviewT function, but we can define it ourselves as:

    > unviewT :: (Monad m) => ProgramViewT instr m a -> ProgramT instr m a
    > unviewT (Return a)     = return a
    > unviewT (instr :>>= k) = singleton instr >>= k

    Once that is done, we can then create a route optimizer:

    > optimizeOp :: RouteOp a
    >            -> RouteOp a
    > optimizeOp route =
    >      case view route of
    >        (ChoiceOp cs :>>= k) ->
    >            do a <- optimizeOp' (map view cs)
    >               k a
    >        _ -> route
    > optimizeOp' :: [ProgramView SegmentCommand a]
    >             -> RouteOp a
    > optimizeOp' cs =
    >     case map flatten $ groupBy sameDir cs of
    >       []  -> failOp
    >       [x] -> x
    >       xs  -> choiceOp xs
    >     where
    >       flatten :: [ProgramView SegmentCommand a] -> RouteOp a
    >       flatten []  = failOp
    >       flatten [x] = unviewT x
    >       flatten xs@((MatchOp p :>>= _) : _) =
    >           do matchOp p
    >              optimizeOp' [ view (next ()) | (MatchOp _ :>>= next) <- xs ]
    >       sameDir (MatchOp p1 :>>= _) (MatchOp p2 :>>= _) = p1 == p2
    >       sameDir _                   _                   = False

    As with the Free monad solution, we could define a function to run the optimized route. However, it would have the same issues outlined before. So we will skip it.


    In the original RouteMT based around monad transformers, the set of primitives can easily be extended by adding new functions. For example, we could add a primitive that reverses the order of all the remaining path segments:

    > reverseMT :: RouteMT ()
    > reverseMT = modify reverse

    In Route' and Route, we would need to extend the data-type and also the interpreter functions. But we get the ability to inspect, rewrite, or interpret the actions differently.

    As we saw, we don't need the Free or operational monads to reap these benefits. So, a big question is, what do those monads actually buy us?

    In this example, we saw that it allowed us to derive the Functor instance and we got the Monad instance automatically too. So, we can be sure that our Functor and Monad instances actually follow the laws.

    But, we also paid a price. In the Free implementation, our interpreter functions are cluttered up by a bunch of Free and Pure constructors.

    The operational monad provided benefits similar to the Free monad, but with a nicer interface. The operational monad is reportedly nearly isomorphic to the Free monad. So, it should be able to do almost everything the Free monad can.

    I've heard rumors that the Free monad can have quadratic runtime, while the operational monad does stuff to avoid that? Though there is also some way to use the codensity monad to fix the Free monad?

    So, experts, which implementation should I use for this example? And what are the benefits of that solution over the other alternatives? My inclination is to use the operational. The interpretive solution clearly provides the most flexibility. Of the three intepretive solutions, the operational monad seems like the easiest solution to implement and to understand. I am not sure what (if anything) I am missing out on by using operational instead of Free...

    Discussion can be found here


  2. Happstack, Fay, & Acid-State: Shared Datatypes are Awesome

    Mon, 2012-11-12 @ 11:21:27 PM

    Haskell is slowly moving onto the browser -- and that is very exciting. We have Fay, GHCJS, UHCJS, Haskell-like languages such as Elm, and more!

    In this post I want to demonstrate two ways in which this is awesome.

    1. we can now define a data-type once and use it everywhere

    2. we can now define a type-checked AJAX interface between the browser and the server.

    In this post we will be using:

    • happstack-server - a modern Haskell based web application server
    • acid-state - a native Haskell database system
    • fay - a compiler which compiles a subset of Haskell to Javascript

    The Bad Old Days

    Let's first consider a more traditional system where we use happstack-server, a SQL database, and Javascript. If we have a value we want to store in the database, manipulate on the server, and send to the client, we need to manually create several representations of this value and manually write code to marshal to and from the various representations.

    In the SQL database, the value needs to be represented via columns and relations in one or more tables. On the server-side we need to create an algebraic data type to represent the value. To transmit the value to the client we need to the convert the value into a JSON object. And then on the client-side we may then need to convert the JSON value into a Javascript object.

    To switch between each of these representations we need to manually write code. For example, we need to write the SQL statements to update and retrieve the value from the database.

    So in addition to the four representations of our data, we have 3 bidirectional conversions to manage as well:


    Now let's say we need to make a change to our datatype -- we have to correctly update 10 different aspects of our code.

    Because SQL and Javascript are outside of the domain of Haskell, we don't even get the help of the typechecker to make sure we have keep all the types in-sync.

    A popular mantra in computer programming is DRY - "Don't repeat yourself". Yet, here we have to repeat ourselves 10 times!

    In addition to keeping everything in sync, we still have the problem of having to think about the same data in 4 different ways:

    1. as relational data
    2. as an algebraic data type
    3. as a JSON object
    4. as a Javascript object

    The Path to Awesome

    The picture when using happstack-server, acid-state, and fay is radically different. In this system we define our data type as a nice algebraic data type which can be stored in acid-state, manipulated on the server, and sent to the client, where it is also treated as the same ADT. This definition occurs in once in a normal Haskell file that is shared by all three pieces of the system.

    The data does still need to be serialized by acid-state and for communication to/from the client (via AJAX), however, this serialization is done entirely automatically via template haskell and generics.


    I have created a simple example of using happstack-server, acid-state, and fay to implement an interactive web 2.0 mastermind clone. The board updates all occur client side and communication is done over a typed AJAX communication channel.

    You can find all the source code here:


    A demonstration of the game play is shown is this video:


    There are some bugs in the code, unimplemented features, etc. It seems to display correctly in Chrome, but not Firefox (and possibly others). If any of these things bother you, feel free to submit patches. These issues, do not get in the way of the interesting things we want to demonstrate, and so they will likely remain unfixed.

    The tree is organized as follows:

    • MasterMind.Client.* - client-side Fay code
    • MasterMind.Server.* - server-side Haskell code
    • MasterMind.Shared.* - code that is shared between the client and server

    shared types

    MasterMind.Shared.Core contains the datatypes needed to define the state of the game board. There is not much to say about these types -- they are basically what you would expect to see for a game like mastermind.

    In MasterMind.Server.Acid those types are stored persistently using acid-state. All played games are retained in the database, though there is currently no code implemented to browse them.

    In MasterMind.Client.Main those same types (such as Color, Guess, and Board) are imported and used for the client-side interactions.

    By virtue of the fact that everything fits together so seamlessly -- there isn't much to say. It looks like we just defined some normal Haskell datatypes and used them in normal Haskell code -- just like any other Haskell program. The interesting part is really what is missing! We've managed to eliminate all that manual conversion, having to think about multiple representation of the same data, javascript, SQL, etc, and left ourselves with nice, simple Haskell code! When we want to change the type, we just change the type in one place. If we need to update code, the type-checker will complain and let us know!

    Best of all, we do not need to rely on special syntax introduced via QuasiQuotation. We define the types using normal Haskell data declarations.

    There is a bit of Template Haskell code in the acid-state portions of the code. To create SafeCopy instances we use deriveSafeCopy. In principle this is not much different from the standard deriving Data, Typeable mechanism. However, for those that eschew Template Haskell, there is work on allowing SafeCopy to use the new Generics features in GHC 7.2.

    There is also a Template Haskell function makeAcidic which would be a bit more difficult to remove.

    The typed AJAX interface

    Now that we have a way to share types between the client and server, it is relatively straight-forward to use those types to build a type-safe communication channel between the client and server.

    At the end of MasterMind.Shared.Core there is a type:

    > data Command
    >     = SendGuess Guess (ResponseType (Maybe Row))
    >     | FetchBoard      (ResponseType (Maybe Board))
    >     deriving (Read, Show, Data, Typeable)

    The Command type defines the AJAX interface between the server and the client. The constructors 'SendGuess' and 'FetchBoard' are commands that the client wants to send, and the ResponseType a is what the server will return.

    It would be far more sensible to declare Command as a GADT:

    > data Command r where
    >     SendGuess  :: Guess -> Command (Maybe Row)
    >     FetchBoard ::          Command (Maybe Board)

    Unfortuantely, Fay does not support GADTs at this time, so we have to use a series of hacks to get the type safety we are hoping for. Language.Fay.AJAX (from happstack-fay) defines a type:

    > data ResponseType a = ResponseType

    This gives us a phantom type variable that we can use to encode the type of the response.

    Looking at the Command type again, you will see that the last argument to every constructor is a ResponseType value:

    > data Command
    >     = SendGuess Guess (ResponseType (Maybe Row))
    >     | FetchBoard      (ResponseType (Maybe Board))
    >       deriving (Read, Show, Data, Typeable)

    On the client-side we can use call to send an AJAX command:

    > call :: (Foreign cmd, Foreign res) =>
    >         String                    -- ^ URL to @POST@ AJAX request to
    >      -> (ResponseType res -> cmd) -- ^ AJAX command to send to server
    >      -> (res -> Fay ())           -- ^ callback function to handle response
    >      -> Fay ()

    For example:

    > call "/ajax" (SendGuess guess) $ \mRow ->
    >     case mRow of
    >        Nothing    -> alert "Invalid game id"
    >        (Just row) -> updateBoard row

    You will note that the type signature for call is a bit funny. The type for the cmd argument is:

    > (ResponseType res -> cmd)

    instead of just

    > cmd

    But on closer examination, we see that is how the type-checker is able to enforce that command and response handler types match. When we actually use call we just leave off the last argument to the constructor, and the code is quite readable.

    Also, note that call is asynchronous -- meaning that call we return immediately, and the handler will be called after the server sends back a response. That is why we pass in a callback function instead of just doing:

    > mRow <- call "/ajax" (SendGuess guess) -- this is not how it actually works

    We could create a synchronous version of call, however the underlying javascript engine is single-threaded and that could result in the UI blocking. We could probably give the appearance of a blocking call by using continuations in some fashion, but we will consider that another time.

    On the server-side we use a pair of functions:

    > handleCommand :: (Data cmd, Show cmd, Happstack m) =>
    >                  (cmd -> m Response)
    >               -> m Response
    > fayResponse :: (Happstack m, Show a) =>
    >                ResponseType a
    >             -> m a
    >             -> m Response

    handleCommand decodes the AJAX request and passes it to a handler. fayResponse is used to convert a return value into a valid Fay response. The ResponseType a parameter is used to enforce type safety. So in the code we are going to have something like this in our top-level route:

    >                    , dir "json"     $ handleCommand (commandR acid)

    where commandR looks like:

    > commandR :: AcidState Games
    >          -> Command
    >          -> ServerPart Response
    > commandR acid cmd =
    >     case cmd of
    >       (SendGuess guess rt) -> fayResponse rt $ sendGuessC acid guess
    >       (FetchBoard rt)      -> fayResponse rt $ fetchBoardC acid

    We see that we pull the ResponseType value from the constructor and pass it to fayResponse, so that the type checker will enforce that constraint.

    The command handlers have types like:

    > sendGuessC :: AcidState Games
    >            -> Guess
    >            -> ServerPart (Maybe Row)
    > fetchBoardC :: AcidState Games
    >             -> ServerPart (Maybe Board)

    Hopefully we can add GADTs to Fay soon, which will remove some of the boilerplate.


    If we want to use cabal to build and install our web application, then we need to tell cabal how to compile the Fay code to Javscript. I believe the long term plan is for Cabal to somehow directly support Fay packages. But in the meantime, this custom Setup.hs seems to do the trick:

    Setup.hs for building Fay code

    Note that in mastermind.cabal we have build-type: Custom instead of that standard build-type: Simple. You need to specify Custom or cabal will ignore the Setup.hs.

    What Still Sucks

    Fay is still very raw and buggy. In order to get this simple application working I had to file four bugs against Fay and commit several other patches myself. When the developers say that Fay is still alpha they mean it.

    On the other hand, the Fay team was very responsive and fixed my issues quickly!

    If you want to experiment with Fay, I highly recommend it -- but be prepared to run into some issues.

    Programming in Fay is far nicer than Javascript. But, ultimately we still have to deal with the DOM model that the browser is based around. And, even in Fay, that still sucks (even with bootstrap and jQuery to help). However, now that we have a nice language to work with, we can hopefully create a nice Fay-based library for client-side UI development.


    Fay (and friends) are definitely a huge step in the right direction. Things are still just getting started, but they are definitely set to revolution Haskell web programming. We already have mature solutions for web 1.0 programming such as happstack-server and reform. But, technologies like Fay are making it far easier to provide web 2.0 solutions with rich client-side functionality.

    I have released happstack-fay on hackage which provides the glue code needed for AJAX communication.

    In future blog posts I hope to cover three additional topics:

    1. how to incorporate type-safe routing using web-routes

    2. how to add client-side validation to reform using Fay

    3. how to use HSX for client-side HTML generation

    We would love to hear your feedback!


  3. Happstack Irregular News Issue #2

    Mon, 2012-07-02 @ 04:39:00 PM

    Hello! It is I, your editor Jeremy Shaw. I am pleased to bring you Happstack Irregular News Issue #2. Some exciting things have happened since the last issue!


    The biggest news since the last issue is the release of clckwrks:


    clckwrks is a Haskell-based blog and CMS framework with support for editing pages via the browser plus downloadable themes and plugins.

    clckwrks is now powering happstack.com and clckwrks.com.

    We are currently focusing on making the clckwrks blogging portion solid. We have moved the official Happstack blog to clckwrks in order to encourage us to make it better :)

    If you want to help out, you can browse our bug list and find something to take action on. We are more than happy to provide guidance and other assistance.


    The other new big release was reform. reform is a form generation library that continues in the footsteps of formlets and digestive-functors <= 0.2. digestive-functors 0.3 has gone off to explore a different direction, and we wanted to continue pushing the development in this direction. There are still many ideas we can share between the two libraries. Two changes we want to make in the next release include:

    1. switch to Bifunctors package instead of homebrewed IndexedApplicative (thanks to Leonid Onokhov for pointing that out). (Another alternative might be index-core, though it does not yet export the Applicative instances).

    2. consider using a Free Applicative / Operational Applicative for implementing the reform applicative instances. digestive functors 0.3 does something like this and Jasper Van der Jeugt said it was very beneficial and we should try it in reform as well.


    Dag Odenhall has released happstack-yui, which makes it easy to use YUI with Happstack. According the YUI website:

    "YUI is a free, open source JavaScript and CSS framework for building richly interactive web applications."


    YUI website


    Niklas Broberg and I (Jeremy Shaw) did some work on HSX. It now builds with GHC 7.4 and we also fixed some hidden bugs in HSX.Transform. One thing we have been experimenting with is a QuasiQuoter for HSX. A demo version can be found here:

    darcs get http://src.seereason.com/hsx-qq/

    The QQ provides an alternative to the trhsx preprocessor and allows you to write things like:

    html :: (XMLGenerator m) => XMLGenT m (XMLType m)
    html = [hsx| <p class="foo"><% map toUpper "hello, world!"  %></p> |]

    This should be included in the next release of HSX.

    The next release of HSX will also contain a major refactoring of the packages. Mostly we are just planning to move modules into different packages and divide things up differently. One major benefit of the new arrangement is that you will no longer be required to install HJavaScript and HJScript even though you probably never use them.

    Other Minor Fixes

    • changed types in happstack-lite so that serveFile and asContentType work better together, and added guessContentType, MimeMap, mimeType

    • patched happstack-jmacro to work with older versions of template haskell

    • tweaks to ixset.cabal so that it does not require the latest Cabal to build

    acid-state and hackage2

    I have started research into why hackage2 requires so much RAM to run. I will be blogging about that separately. I do expect that we can substantially reduce that amount of RAM it requires. So far I have uncovered two minor issues:

    1. it turns out that mapM Lazy.readFile fileList returns the file contents lazily but opens all the files immediately. This means you can run out of file descriptors if you have a lot of checkpoints or event files. A patch has been submitted for acid-state and it will be fixed in the next release.

    2. acid-state reads the entire checkpoint file into RAM before decoding it. There are a couple places in the code that cause this to happen. The first place is in cereal. The getLazyByteString function does return a lazy ByteString.. but it does it by first reading a strict ByteString of the required length and then converting it into a lazy ByteString. Changing the behavior of getLazyByteString is actually quite difficult, as cereal was designed to allow for value-level error handling, instead of throwing async exceptions.

      We can probably work around this by using runGetState to get one-chunk at a time and build the lazy ByteString that way. That might actually be a lot less hackish than it sounds at first, because it allows us to explicity detect and handle failure cases and control how much and when things are read into RAM. Though, at that point, it starts to feel a bit like enumerators/iteratee/etc. Perhaps we will switch to pipes at some point in time. pipes provides streaming for pure (non-IO) values -- which is probably what we want here.


    Evan Czaplicki has been doing a ton of work on ELM recently. As described on the ELM Language Homepage:

    "Elm is a type-safe, functional reactive language that compiles to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."

    It is easy to use ELM with Happstack -- no special support is required. (i.e., we do not need happstack-elm). Vincent Ambo has created a simple demo here:

    elm-happstack demo

    web-routes + Hamlet

    Vincent also wrote a nice blog post showing how to combine web-routes (type-safe URL routing) with Hamlet (a QuasiQuoter for generating blaze-html from HTML-like syntax):

    Best of both worlds: Using Hamlet and web-routes with Happstack

    quasi-quoter for language-css

    JMacro is great for creating JavaScript, but we still have a hole when it comes to generating CSS. The language-css library already contains combinators and a syntax ADT for CSS3.

    If it had a parser, then we could also create a syntax-checking [css| |] QuasiQuoter.

    I have discussed the idea with Anton Kholomiov, and he is interested -- but we could use some one else to help write the parser. If you love writing parsers, this should be a fun little project.

    happstack.com theme

    Finally, if you could suggest one thing that would make the happstack.com website nicer that would be awesome. There are four things we already plan to change:

    1. use black on white text instead of gray on white

    2. fix the paragraph width so that paragraphs are around 45em wide.

    3. fix the grid alignment so that things are properly aligned to the grid

    4. add more dates to the pages so that it clear that the site and project is still active

    If you have other suggestions, we would love to hear them! If you want to hack on the theme directly, that is even better!

    Until next time, happy hacking.

    Jeremy Shaw


  4. ANN: Reform

    Mon, 2012-05-21 @ 09:51:48 PM

    I am pleased to annouce the release of 'reform'. A full tutorial is available here:


    Reform is an HTML form generation and validation library. It follows in the footsteps of formlets and digestive-functors <= 0.2. In fact, much of the code in reform comes from the digestive-functors-0.2 code base.

    Reform is designed to be usuable with a wide variety of Haskell web servers and templating libraries. You can find the following packages on hackage:

    • reform - the core library
    • reform-happstack - support for using reform with the Happstack server
    • reform-blaze - support for creating forms for blaze-html
    • reform-hsp - support for creating forms for HSP (another xml/html template library)

    The source code is available via darcs at:


    The darcs repo also includes proof-of-concept support for 'Heist'.

    Reform will feel very familiar to formlets and digestive-functors <= 0.2 users.

    The primary motivation behind this library is to provide a supported alternative to digestive-functors 0.2 for users that prefer 0.2 over 0.3.

    The key new feature in reform is the ability to separate the validation code from the view generation code. This allows library authors to provide validators (known as Proofs) which the users can use when constructing their forms. The proof names appear in the type-signatures. This allows the library author to ensure that the value returned by a user created form is not merely the correct type, but has also passed validation.

    The reform-happstack package also provides simple and transparent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection, using the double-submit method. This method has some weaknesses. For example, I believe it can be circumvented if your site is vulnerable to cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If you have suggestions on how to improve the CSRF protection -- please let us know!

    I hope to do a full comparison of reform vs digestive-functors 0.3 vs yesod forms in a few weeks.


  5. New Official Happstack Blog

    Sat, 2012-04-28 @ 06:17:11 PM

    I am pleased to announce that the Happstack blog is now hosted on happstack.com.
