
The Happstack community is open and very friendly to newcomers. There are many ways to interact with the Happstack community.

Mailing List

Join our mailing list to ask questions, suggest changes and improvements, or just keep an eye on things.


You can also post questions on stackoverflow with the happstack tag.


Join us on #happs on If someone does not answer your question right away, hang around and someone probably will. You can also browse the irc logs here.

Bug Reports

Found a bug? Got a feature suggestion? In addition to the mailing list and irc channel, you might consider submitting a bug report.

Happstack Wiki

We also have a wiki: Happstack Wiki

Follow us on Twitter

When the mailing list is quiet, it may sometimes feel like nothing is happening. Get bite sized updates about what is going on with Happstack on a more regular basis by following us on twitter.

Find us on Facebook

You can also follow us on Facebook