
A good starting point is the happstack-lite tutorial. It's less than 2000 words long, yet contains everything you need to create a full-featured website:

happstack-lite tutorial

The Happstack Book (previously know as The Happstack Crash Course), weighing in at over 50,000 words offers a comprehensive introduction to Happstack and many of its optional components:


Haddock API Docs

Happstack also offers comprehensive and detailed API documentation:

HTTP Server

happstack-server - HTTP server, routing combinators, blaze-html templating, and more.

happstack-server-tls - extend happstack-server with SSL support

happstack-lite - a easy way to get started with Happstack


happstack-hsp - literal XML/HTML syntax embedded in Haskell

hsx-jmacro - easily embed Javascript into Haskell

happstack-heist - XML templating macro language

happstack-hamlet - HTML templates via QuasiQuotation

happstack-hstringtemplate - string based templating solution


happstack-jmacro - Additional support for using JMacro with Happstack

happstack-yui - Bundles YUI 3.5.1 and includes a "combo handler" for use in Happstack which concatenates YUI modules server-side to send in a single HTTP request.

reform:Type-Safe form generation and validation

Covered in this section of the Happstack Crash Course.

reform - core reform library

reform-blaze - support for using reform with blaze-html

reform-happstack - support for using reform with Happstack.

reform-hsp - support for using reform with HSP


acid-state - Power of ACID brought to pure Haskell

safecopy - binary serialization with version migration

ixset - a multi indexed collection type (similar to a SQL table)


web-routes - type-safe URLs and routing

web-routes-boomerang - expressive combinators for defining routes

boomerang - library which contains combinators for use with web-routes-boomerang

web-routes-happstack - use web-routes with Happstack

web-routes-hsp - use web-routes with HSP templates

web-routes-th - use Template Haskell to automatically derive rendering from a URL type


happstack-clientsession - store session data in client-side cookies